Friday, June 22, 2012

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A bunch of unfortunate happenstances...

Why? Everyone know what's going on in the world. Libya is fighting a losing battle for its freedom, Japan is in dire need for help and nuclear professionals... as well as a few military grade power generators, and the world seems to be in a bit of a crisis.

What really gets my goat is the fact that Americans and Canadians are actually buying iodine pills... as if nuclear radiation from Japan is going to somehow come across the freaking ocean! Come on! What is wrong with you people? Maybe instead of worrying about a non-existent threat we should be helping out? Thanks to everyone who donated for the Japanese people. I'm half Japanese and my friends and family are still over there. I went to school in Hirosaki which is way up north, as far as I know they don't have power and Japanese houses don't have central heating or much in the way of insulation. I'd like to go but I recently lost my job so there's not much I can do.

As if that wasn't bad enough, it looks like Moammar Gadhafi is going to win this civil war. Yes, everyone loves an underdog, but when the rebels have small arms and makeshift weapons going against artillery, tanks, planes, and bombs, admittedly, they didn't have much of a chance. And with Gadhafi and his son back in control, it's only a matter of time, they can then say "Fuck you!" to the United States, Canada, and everyone who said, "Hey, you should step down." No one provided him aid or support and even told him to leave, and if we've learned anything from Gadhafi's little temper tantrum that left Canadian ex-pats heading home because someone is the Harper government said something he didn't like, he can hold a grudge and be as immature as a freaking child. He has no freaking clue about politics and tact. So he's going to hoard his oil and say "Mine!" until we pay out the ass. Lucky for the world SunCore and a bunch of other energy companies are heading off the oil sands projects of which have HUGE reservoirs of the black stuff. So, the world just might find a new outlet and Gadhafi can have his little tantrum and like good parents, he will be ignored.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It must be hard to be management...

Today I was lucky enough to witness management at work. My co-worker has been sitting right next to a director discussing... not a new program to introduce, not an impending project that will revolutionize our department/company/industry... no, they were discussing a diagram. A diagram that could be made in 20 seconds as it only has five elements that need to be linked to each other in a circle. Easy right? NO! They arrows used did not represent what we wanted to show, the circles enclosing the elements were too bubbly or not bubbly enough. The direction seemed ridged and robotic, or too curvy and liberal. These are not my terms, I just overheard them.

Apparently, this single diagram, showing that five elements are linked, is so important that the directors have had day long meetings about it. Using up vast amounts of time, theirs and ours.

I must be retarded because I cannot fathom how this diagram is so important as to warrant all-day meetings. I am so lucky to have a management team that truly knows what's important and prioritizes all tasks to reflect as such. As a retarded peon my opinion is uneducated, and holds no relevance to the subject at hand. Thank god for upper management!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

in Japan

so I've finally made it. after 12 hours of travel and 4 hours of navigating the Japan rail, we've made it to the hotel! I've been awake for nearly 24 hours. I am so tired but I cannot sleep because its only 6 oclock here. the heat is immense. and the humidity wraps around you. its especially bad when you're hauling 40lb of luggage up 11 flights of stairs... and then walking a kilometre and them going up more stairs. anyways enough complaining. I'm here now and happy to ne back. I just can't wait to unload some of these gifts and lighten my luggage.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Talking Down

Just because you're in a higher position, you get paid more, and you've been working here longer, doesn't give you the right to talk down to the people you are giving work to. We are all human being and just because you make more money doesn't make you a better person. In fact you're probably a worse person. You are in a position of power so you automatically feel you must throw your weight around to prove to everyone you have the ability to. But, just because someone owns a gun doesn't mean they have to use it! Only exercise your power when you need to. If you're giving someone a task to do, don't talk down to people like they're shit! They are people too probably more noble and moral people than yourself! When shit doesn't get done and people don't do their work, then you have a reason to implement your abilities, but don't do it right out the gate assuming we wont complete the task unless you have a stern foot in our asses!

Luckily, I have a boss who is nice and she always asks us if we're too busy to work on, whatever it is, and reflecting her kindness, we almost always answer "no" because we want to do the work for her.

I guess the reason for this post is just to vent and rant about all the things that everyone hates and have said a million times before. If you're in a position of power, don't act like it, a little humility goes a long way and people probably wont hate you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

on the can again

I'm not sure what I really have to say. I'm mostly passing time so my minutes in this small room don't feel wasted. Also I haven't written anything in my blog in a long time. I haven't written anything in a long time. I used to write almost daily, either my blog or stories or novels. But as of late I just haven't seemed to have the inclination. Maybe I'm missing my muse. something to rant about a kind of person I hate or general annoyances. Nothing. I've just been wasting my time on thing worth less than my time on the can.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mind = Blown


A friend sent me a message saying that 1337% of pi equals 42. THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING! But only amazing if you are a geek nerd loser.