Thursday, March 17, 2011

A bunch of unfortunate happenstances...

Why? Everyone know what's going on in the world. Libya is fighting a losing battle for its freedom, Japan is in dire need for help and nuclear professionals... as well as a few military grade power generators, and the world seems to be in a bit of a crisis.

What really gets my goat is the fact that Americans and Canadians are actually buying iodine pills... as if nuclear radiation from Japan is going to somehow come across the freaking ocean! Come on! What is wrong with you people? Maybe instead of worrying about a non-existent threat we should be helping out? Thanks to everyone who donated for the Japanese people. I'm half Japanese and my friends and family are still over there. I went to school in Hirosaki which is way up north, as far as I know they don't have power and Japanese houses don't have central heating or much in the way of insulation. I'd like to go but I recently lost my job so there's not much I can do.

As if that wasn't bad enough, it looks like Moammar Gadhafi is going to win this civil war. Yes, everyone loves an underdog, but when the rebels have small arms and makeshift weapons going against artillery, tanks, planes, and bombs, admittedly, they didn't have much of a chance. And with Gadhafi and his son back in control, it's only a matter of time, they can then say "Fuck you!" to the United States, Canada, and everyone who said, "Hey, you should step down." No one provided him aid or support and even told him to leave, and if we've learned anything from Gadhafi's little temper tantrum that left Canadian ex-pats heading home because someone is the Harper government said something he didn't like, he can hold a grudge and be as immature as a freaking child. He has no freaking clue about politics and tact. So he's going to hoard his oil and say "Mine!" until we pay out the ass. Lucky for the world SunCore and a bunch of other energy companies are heading off the oil sands projects of which have HUGE reservoirs of the black stuff. So, the world just might find a new outlet and Gadhafi can have his little tantrum and like good parents, he will be ignored.

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