Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a glimps of things to come

My mind is an oil pipeline what has now burst polluting the vast ocean known as the internet. We can try to block all the crap that spills from my head, clog it with garbage, dirt, hair, or try to light it on fire, but those who read are essentially the fish of the internet whom will drown. So, I will implore you to stop reading now, avoid this blog, and forget everything about it.

I will endeavour to make sure anything I will ever write will carry no merit or conscious thought. It will be as dismissible as the nice driver who slowed down and let you merge in front of him or the extra smile you you receive from that cashier every morning.

No, nothing I ever will say will matter in the slightest. If you disagree with what I have to say, there are many more like you to help prove whatever I say is false and if you do agree there are plenty of people who will fight to prove us wrong. Lose, lose.

But, whether you can stop the spill, clog it, light it on fire, or just ignore it it will continue to pour and I apologize for it's existence. Now... why are you still reading when I told you to stop at the first paragraph?

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